A single IFAST viewed from the left.
A pair of IFAST viewed from the front left.
A single IFAST viewed from the bottom.
A pair of IFAST viewed from the back.


4.7 out of 5 stars. 94 user reviews.
$119 $99
15.5 Up
17 Up
Options are based on US shoe sizes.
Recommended in pairs
Heads up! Single packages are not eligible for our scary cheap TREAT discount. Grab a pair for major savings!


Outline of a shoe with an IFAST inside.
Low Profile
Fits in Any Shoe
Outline of three customization sliders.
Level of Support
Outline of an ankle being sprained.
Reduces Risk
of Injuries
Developed with the body in mind, the IFAST is the only dynamic ankle stabilizer. The IFAST moves the way the body moves and protects the way the body protects. Designed for movement, the IFAST fits easily inside your shoe or boot providing ankle protection without compromising performance.

Meet The IFAST®

Unparalleled Performance

As the only dynamic ankle stabilizer, the IFAST is designed and built to precisely mimic your anatomy. Giving the support and performance you need to move confidently.

98% Max Vertical

Be More You

With the IFAST you keep your performance. In fact, you’ll keep 98.3%* of your max vertical jump, thats 18% more of your vertical than traditional ankle braces.

Super Low Profile

Easy Fit

Designed to fit inside virtually any shoe, the IFAST is incredibly low profile, coming in at only 3mm thick.

Built From Anatomy

Inspired By You

The IFAST is composed of 3 main components, each designed to mimic your ankles’ anatomy. The upper and lower act as your bones, the sleeve acts like your skin, and the tension system works like the ligaments in your body.

Trusted By Athletes

Tested Performance

"The IFAST gives me the chance and the ability to be able to make sure I’m being proactive with supporting my ankles and making sure that I’m taking that step in protecting my body." — Joel Berry II

Reviews from Our Users

4.7 out of 5
Marvin Alexander Pinckney

At first my son did not want to wear them. As a QB he thought it would impede his mobility. Once he put them on and ran a few drills he was hooked. Great product Thanks


My Daughter sprained her ankle 3 times this year. She has been wearing this since her 3rd sprained ankle instead of the doctor issued brace and said its way more comfortable.


we love these ankle braces, by far the best and we've used lots of different ones. Love how it fits down in soccer cleats.

amy k

These are by far the best ankle brace my daughter has used. She has badly sprained both ankles and these give her the best stability.

Bryan Stubblefield

Rather than waiting for rolled ankle to wear a brace, we went ahead and started with iFast. My 12 yr old plays catcher and is constantly putting full weight on the ankles. He won't play without them now. Doubleheaders no longer are an issue. Highly recommend iFast!

Candace Trujillo-Mitchell

I am coming off of a very severe sprain that happened in January. I still have swelling and numbness and my ankle feels incredibly weak. I had a vacation coming up and did a search to find the best ankle support available. I came across these incredible braces and bought the set. The difference I felt was immediate. It gave me stability and support, which made me confident that I could do short hikes without worrying about my ankle giving out. They are comfortable, offer terrific support and saved my vacation. I wear them every time I leave the house. They even fit nicely in my boots. I’ve spent so much money on ankle supports. Wish I would have started with ARYSE to begin with. Game changer!

Michael Hoover

I have the IFAST. I bought 2, I love how comfortable it fits inside the shoe/boots I wear. I wear it just over my socks walking around the house. Honestly, it feels like I have a sock on, it’s that comfortable! I highly suggest these to anyone that has had any ankle issues!!! Even kids playing sports for protection!


The product is fantastic, works well, and a great feel. I am ordering my second pair, they lasted about 9 months of hard basketball playing before starting to fall apart. I did experience some blistering on back of my foot as the neoprene sleeve started to deteriorate, added some athletic pre-wrap under my sock and that solved the issue. Only complaint is the ordering process - Why do I have to put in ALL of my info just to select PayPal which then auto-fills my info. Please fix this.

Pete Martinez

Purchased the pair for my daughter while rolled her ankle while playing volleyball.. the brace itself is great! It’s form fitting, not bulky, fits great in the shoe, lightweight and most of all very comfortable.. My only complaint is that after 3 months of wearing it on weekends for tournaments and weekdays for practice, the compression sleeve started to thread and develop loose ends.. this was all before washing it as directed.. once I started to hand wash it, the loose ends became more and more.. that is my only complaint about the product

Scott B.

My daughter had a bad class 3 ankle sprain. 5 weeks of recovery and was very worried about re-injuring it on the lax field. She uses the Ifast and put it to the test the first game back. She stopped on a dime to cut and the ankle started to roll, but the brace kicked in and prevented the ankle from rolling more than what is normal. Thank you Aryse, my daughter can feel confident while she is recovering that there will be NO more ankle rolls! Awesome brace!!!

Mary Devonshire

I'm an EMT and the pivotal moment for me was trying to help carry a patient downhill on a back board--and feeling like I was going to loose my balance and fall the whole way down the hill because my ankles have become so weak. I guess I've been wearing ill-fitting shoes for too long. I bought the aryse ankle braces to wear around as I work as a kind of therapy to realign my foot, ankle and calf muscles. I'm not saying that's the intended use for them but it seems to be working. My ankles seem to becoming much stronger.

Tracy Ross

While lightweight and comfortable at first the back of the brace dug into my heels causing a large blister the first time I wore them. Then was very painful to wear until the sore healed. Not sure how I’m wearing them incorrectly to cause the blister.


This is the best anchor brace I’ve used, it is lightweight, fits in any clear or shoe and you don’t even notice it’s on. It delivers amazing support for my ankle while even playing rugby. I’ve recommended it to all my friends and teammates.


I feel very protected! They are super lightweight and I forget that I’m wearing. Not bulky and fits right into my shoe. I was skeptical at first but I’m never going back to my old braces. I will definitely be recommending these to anyone!

Alexus Ochoa

I know I am not the only one to hold off with self care with an injury not broken. I had my foot ran over and my knee hit by a car at an intersection during maintenance. lucky no broken parts though I have been in a physical therapy process that been set back to such a situation. I knew with the science and reviews I had to get in with this company's product. since than a lot with my ankle has been getting the attention it needs when I wear the brace. totally an improvement from the simple sleeve I got from Big5. thank you and truly appreciate the support!!

John Pleyer

My son (14yr old) suffered an ankle injury playing basketball in a very competitive AAU tournament. After visiting the ER the Dr. recommended he begin to tape his ankles before games to help prevent injuries. We thought he would have to be on crutches and out of the game for a minimum of 4-6 weeks. Thankfully I came across IFAST on the internet. He was able to return to competitive play after only two weeks and has said that they have already protected him from another sprain. He says they are so comfortable he will wear them every time he steps on the court.

Ronnie Simmons

This brace was just what I needed. I was recovering from a avulsion fracture that was healing on its own. I transitioned from a boot to the brace.The brace was supportive and fit like a glove. The lace system with the plastic support has kept me from re injury. I am still wearing it daily. I am now healed and since I had past injury I have some play in the ankle so it gives me the support I needed . I washed it by hand and dried it by the heater . The nylon sock slips right on . I love my brace. This brace is by far the best ever. The looks is also appealing as well. I got a red one my favorite color.Thank you

Steve Schmidt

These braces are the real deal. A bit of background, I've been playing basketball my whole life. I've had ankle issues consistently for the past 10 years, with a major injury happening a bit over two years ago and not being fully back to normal for over 6 months. I tried the bulky, wrap ankle braces and just felt slow and too locked into place. I started using Aryse this season and its been a God send. I feel much lighter, quicker but also just as secure. I highly recommend. A couple of notes: -it might take time to get use to the harder plastic type material that sits under your arch. I had some discomfort but it went away. -It isn't a 100% protector from sprains. It happened only once or twice to me but I did have a very mild sprain which only last 3-4 days. Although, I believe without the Aryse, it would have been a multi week injury. -Don't solely rely on ankle braces, make sure to stretch and strengthen your ankle muscles/ligaments in any type of capacity. Thank you Aryse!

Joy Bramblett

For my whole life I have always had extremely weak ankles and ankle injuries, I had tried many different ankle supports but none of them seemed to work… I saw these on an ad and saw the reviews and I had to try them, since I have had them I haven’t had an ankle injury. These are amazing especially for the sports I play! Super lightweight and are not bulky at all!

Dr. Coreen Montag

This is an amazing product. I have been a chiropractor for 16 years and this brace is the best I have come across. My son has rolled his ankle twice this basketball season. With this last injury I ordered the Aryse brace and he was able to return to varsity play within three days. He notes the Aryse brace is more comfortable then the athletic trainer’s taping or any other brace he has worn. My son wears size 16 shoe, to be on the safe side I ordered XL and 2X. I was able to overnight product and they arrived next day, just in time for game night. Thank you! The XL fit best and was an ease return of 2X.

Barry Tungseth

Couldn’t recommend these enough. Well designed, low profile and comfy. Great support and much better mobility than with other braces.

Cara Dawson

My son severely rolled his ankle about a year ago. After it was healed he wore a tight compression sleeve but he rolled it again while playing baseball. A basketball teammate recommended the Aryse iFast. My son thought it would be uncomfortable but it turned out to be the best thing ever! He has played both basketball and baseball while wearing the iFast and has had no injuries. It really has been an ankle-saver. We highly recommend it. Also, their customer service is great too.


I never leave reviews but honestly… life changing, and I say that after only a couple of weeks. My right ankle is kinda weak, and it’s usually fine if I don’t push it *too* much, but after I added tennis to an already full week of fitness activities (a lot of HIIT, a lot of running), I started to feel it again. So I had to start taking 2-3 days off because I know that if I didn’t it would just get worse. And that’s just not ok. Then I got the IFAST, and it was honestly life changing. I just push and push and push and my ankle feels nothing! It’s fine! It gives me so much confidence on the court and running on the trail, you stop worrying about it and just focus on doing whatever you’re doing the best you can. Takes me a bit to get them on and fit them inside the shoes, but it’s so worth it.


Perfect for skateboarding. Doesn't impede on the "flick" or force your ankle to be completely stiff which is a problem I was having with other braces marketed for supposed athletic use.

Brooke Clemmens

My daughter finished her last 5 games of her regular high school sophomore lacrosse season with a sprained ankle that we couldn't get healed because of practices and games. And there was no way she was sitting down or out. (her choice) We taped, but that is time-consuming. She is a midfielder so she is up and down the field a lot. I saw the IFast while researching the best brace for her that would allow healing and promote strength-building in her ankle. The braces had to also allow her freedom to move, cut, and attack the goal. She has now completed an entire club season including 10 tournament games with ZERO injuries and NO limping. I've now ordered a second set of braces. I decided to try the XFast for her to play fall ball in to see which she likes best. She is in the recruiting process now for college and has contact with D2 and D3 schools. I would not know what to do without this product. And would never put her in front of a college coach without these on!


I love this thing ! I love that I am able to Customize my support, and I'm no longer in pain after working out. I've been having ankle issues in both feet for a year now, and it's been painful to work out the way I want to. After wasting $$ on other products just to be left unsatisfied, I finally just randomly typed "ankle support" on google, and thankfully this site popped up, and I took a chance! I'm running again! I used to be pain and discomfort during my workouts, but now it feels like my ankle is as good as new! I wish I would've known about this product sooner! For me being able to run again comfortably is worth the price (I bought a pair)


Sprained my ankle pretty bad before finding these. Read up on them and the have performed well for me. Only mishap with them is the plastic one the ankle braces left both my achilles with blisters. Figured extra pair of socks would work but that’s my only gripe.

Richard Sanders

My new l size large IFast brace arrived two days ago to replace the too-small size medium i had originally ordered. I quickly did the stretching routine and put it on. I spent a long active day outside working in my gardens yesterday and again today. I told my wife, “This thing is fantastic! IT GIVES ME CONFIDENCE!” And that’s the truth. It is just a lifesaver for my shattered ankle which was repaired by a bumbling orthopedic surgeon two years ago. Since I have been unsteady on my feet and suffered no small amount of pain. I went back to the Dr. and had it Xrayed. I was told I would need an ankle replacement. Great! Come to find out I would be laid up for 6-8 weeks and it would take upwards of nine months to get back to normal. No thanks! I've almost 74 years old and I don't have time to lay around feeling sorry for my self. Thanks to your Aryse IFast brace I can now function almost normally again. THANK YOU for the exchange and an outstanding product. I appreciate your assistance. If there are any doubters out there, I can tell you that the IFast brace is the real deal. I was skeptical at first but then thought, what is $99 vs. 9 months of inactivity? I went with the brace and am very happy and somewhat surprised. Richard Sanders

Dominique Prince

I broke my ankle a few years ago and always skeptical of any brace because i had one on when it happened . been playing Volleyball in the IFAST for a few weeks now and LOVE them. i love then so much i bought a second pair. they are comfortable stable and not bulky. im able to perform at a high level with great support. Thank you !

Currently showing 5 of 94 reviews.